logo / typograph / collage


year: 2020

business: artistic & cultural association

local: porto - portugal

Selva is an association formed by local producers and artists, which offers services in ceramics, music production, audio visual, editing, graphic design, performing arts, among others, located in an independent space in the city of Porto - Portugal.

logo / lettering

I created a typography of my own for the brand, which contemplates the personality of the set of artists and members of the association, which could be freely used in graphic and communication materials by all sectors involved. In the development, I prioritized a font that could refer to the style of art present in the streets, of pixo and graffiti typography, common above all to the style of hip hop and rap, all of this taking into account the repertoire and background of the artists involved in the project .

Artwork for the promotion of the collage workshop that I proposed to organize with the association in December 2021. The digital collage technique was used, using images with free rights of use.

digital collage

Ask for a budget!

You don't need to do everything alone, let me help you to build your project of dreams! I'll help you to show your talent in the best way, with a nice & aesthetic design!